by Carlo | Apr 19, 2009 | Blog, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Volunteer Work
I’ve just finished a short slideshow and posted it up on youtube. Its seven minutes short, or long depending on what way you look at it :)! With over 8,000 photo’s from our African volunteer trip its difficult to keep any slideshow under the ten minute mark. It...Tags: africa, slideshow, volunteer
by Carlo | Apr 18, 2009 | Blog, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Uncategorized, Volunteer Work
Well its been a rollercoaster of a three months and we got back home yesterday, much to the surprise of our family and friends. We had told them all along that we would be home on the 23rd April, so you can imagine their surprise when we showed up out of the blue. We...Tags: africa, travel, volunteer
by Carlo | Apr 7, 2009 | Blog, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Volunteer Work
Ok so we’ve been taking our anti-malaria tablets for the past twelve weeks(one per week) and although it hasn’t sent us crazy or anything, it has certainly taken its effect on me in a few ways. The most noticeable one been nightmares. Although I do suffer...Tags: africa, travel, volunteer
by Carlo | Apr 6, 2009 | Blog, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
Since I don’t have any news to report on the past few days, I thought I’d share the contents on my rucksack that I brought with me to Africa. In the past whenever, I’ve gone traveling, I’ve always brought a huge suitcase or a 115 liter...Tags: africa, tips, travel, volunteer
by Carlo | Mar 9, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Volunteer Work
I had this entry typed up from a few weeks ago while I was in Tanzania, but for some reason I forgot to publish it…….. Its been said that if you get invited to the home of an Tanzanian(or indeed any African) that its both a great honour and experience to...Tags: africa, tanzania, volunteer
by Carlo | Feb 25, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Uganda, Volunteer Work
Well in a quick turn of events we’ve decided due to our visa problems(reasons can be read in my last post entry), to travel to Uganda and volunteer there with a similar organisation/setup as here in Arusha. We’ve contacted two orphanages in Kampala, Uganda...Tags: africa, rwanda, uganda, volunteer