by Carlo | Mar 9, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Volunteer Work
I had this entry typed up from a few weeks ago while I was in Tanzania, but for some reason I forgot to publish it…….. Its been said that if you get invited to the home of an Tanzanian(or indeed any African) that its both a great honour and experience to...Tags: africa, tanzania, volunteer
by Carlo | Mar 5, 2009 | Blog, Uganda, Volunteer Work
Small fragile fingers, skinny malnourished bodies and cries of “please give sir”. This is the harsh reality that’s commonplace in most African countries, but its one that we have witnessed for ourselves first hand here in Kampala. Kampala lies in...Tags: africa, uganda, volunteer
by Carlo | Mar 3, 2009 | Blog, Uganda, Volunteer Work
Finally after 5 days of travel we reached Kampala in Uganda. The journey was one that would shatter the very foundations of one’s religious beliefs! It was without a doubt a fascinating and laborious journey, and one that will have me NEVER again complain about...Tags: africa, kampala, uganda, volunteer
by Carlo | Feb 25, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Uganda, Volunteer Work
Well in a quick turn of events we’ve decided due to our visa problems(reasons can be read in my last post entry), to travel to Uganda and volunteer there with a similar organisation/setup as here in Arusha. We’ve contacted two orphanages in Kampala, Uganda...Tags: africa, rwanda, uganda, volunteer
by Carlo | Feb 19, 2009 | Blog, Rwanda, Volunteer Work
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)is an international court established in November 1994 by the United Nations Security Council in order to judge those people responsible for the Rwandan genocide and other serious violations of the international law...Tags: africa, holocaust, rwanda, volunteer
by Carlo | Feb 11, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Volunteer Work
Mzungu – Slang for “white person/man”. Its what the locals here call us white people. To put it mildly, its the African equivalent of the term “Nigger” in western society. So we’ve been living for a month exactly in Tanzania and...Tags: africa, corruption, mzungu, tanzania, volunteer