by Carlo | Aug 21, 2012 | Blog, Travel Photos
My first travel photo here is one I took while out in the middle of the Serengeti, Tanzania back in 2009. For me, whenever I think of Africa I always visualise these canopy tree’s as being the symbol of the continent! Anyone who has been to Africa knows just how...Tags: africa, serengeti, tanzania
by Carlo | Mar 9, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Volunteer Work
I had this entry typed up from a few weeks ago while I was in Tanzania, but for some reason I forgot to publish it…….. Its been said that if you get invited to the home of an Tanzanian(or indeed any African) that its both a great honour and experience to...Tags: africa, tanzania, volunteer
by Carlo | Feb 11, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Volunteer Work
Mzungu – Slang for “white person/man”. Its what the locals here call us white people. To put it mildly, its the African equivalent of the term “Nigger” in western society. So we’ve been living for a month exactly in Tanzania and...Tags: africa, corruption, mzungu, tanzania, volunteer
by Carlo | Feb 10, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Volunteer Work
Here are a few more photo’s from our volunteer project in Arusha.Tags: africa, tanzania, volunteer
by Carlo | Feb 6, 2009 | Blog, Tanzania, Volunteer Work
Tags: africa, tanzania, volunteer