Death valley sand dunes (PHOTO)

This weeks travel photo is of the Stovepipe Wells sand dunes which are situated in the heart of Death Valley national park. Anyone that know’s me well enough, knows that extreme areas of isolation are one of the things I find fascinating in life. This photo was taken back in 2007 during the scorching August heat. The temperature on the thermometer in the car read a staggering “46 degrees” that day. The Death valley sand dunes, as I like to call them are ridiculously photographic.

The sand dunes themselves were spectacular. I badly wanted to climb them there and then but it was too dangerous to do so alone due to the heat, and Florence was already hallucinating so she was going nowhere!

I would get my chance to climb them two years later in 2009 when I again returned to Death valley.

This is one of those places that you just want to keep coming back to, time and time again.

Death Valley Sand Dunes

death valley sand dunes

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