A LOOK BACK: 2 Years of Full Time Travel

It’s hard to believe it’s been just under two years – just under two years since we packed our bags and hit off on our quest to start an online business and see some more of the world. Although this will be published some time later, I'm writing this on July 6th from...

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Travel Tales – Anna from Global-Gallivanting.com

This weeks travel tales interview is with Anna from Global-Gallivanting.com Anna left her job in the UK in Dec 2012 to pursue her dreams of a life of travel and adventure. Her only regret is that she didn’t do it sooner! Since then she has travelled extensively across...

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Praying Mantis Vs Cat – An Epic Battle

Back in 2013 on one of our previous trips to Thailand, we headed to the luscious island of Koh Phi Phi off the coast of Phuket. It was here that we came across a mantis insect in full battle with a cat. The scene did draw a lot of attention from tourists and even the...

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Travel Tales with Dave from TravelDave.co.uk

This week's travel tales post features our good friend Dave Brett from TravelDave.co.uk. We met Dave when we arrived in Chiang Mai back at the start of March and we quickly became friends. Have a read of the interview and you'll see what he's been up to....  ...

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Atacama Desert: The Driest Place on Earth

We love a good ol' dry...hot....isolated desert! Over the past few years we’ve visited the likes of Death Valley, Nevada, the Queesland outback in Australia, and the Sinai desert in Egypt. The extreme sense of isolation and temperature change coupled with vast...

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How to get an Indian Visa in Chiang Mai, Thailand

With our trip to India looming closer and closer, two weeks ago we decided to take action in respect to getting our visas sorted. At that time we still had about 7 weeks or so left in Thailand, but after reading the hassles that other travellers had with getting a...

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The Backpackers Guide to the Inca Trail – Book Review

Last year we did a two day hike to Machu Picchu while we were in Peru. It's kinda mandatory that if you visit Peru, you've got to witness one of the truly awesome places on the planet! However, we spent a lot of time researching and looking for the best tour guides to...

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10 Cold Hard Facts About Running A Content Business

It doesn’t matter what career path you go down or which walk of life you choose to enter, there are likely to be harsh realities involved and, in most cases, you’ll have to find out about them yourself and learn the hard way. As with most things life, whether it is...

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Songkran: The World’s Biggest Water Fight

***Video montage of the festival is at the bottom of this post - Jump to view here!*** If you arrive in Thailand during the second week of April without doing your homework on the various different Thailand festivals, you will be in for a BIG shock!   You check...

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